Simple Reflections Podcast
The Simple Reflections Podcast is a collection of gentle conversations with people from all walks of life, looking at small, seemingly insignificant ideas that have gone on to have profound impacts on their lives. Join Transformational Coach, Dave Hill and his guests for a cup of tea and a biscuit and reflect on where the conversation goes.
Simple Reflections Podcast
There is a lesson in every moment with Jamie Smart
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Jamie Smart is a Sundy Times bestselling author, transformational coach and mentor. His company Clarity delivers training and support to other Three Principles based coaches. Jamie is force of nature who is driven by a desire to help people understand where their experience comes from and to discover who they really are.
In this conversation we discuss the journey that I’ve embarked on with Jamie’s Clarity Certification Training since September 2023. You’ll also witness Jamie, taking an opportunity to coach me during our chat… there’s a lesson in every moment, even while hosting a podcast!
Website: https://www.jamiesmart.com/
Email: info@jamiesmart.com
Clarity: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results (Second Edition) [Amazon]
Results: Think Less. Achieve More [Amazon]
The Simple Reflections Podcast is a collection of gentle conversations with people from all walks of life, looking at small, seemingly insignificant ideas that have gone on to have profound impacts on the lives of the guests. The podcast is hosted by Dave Hill, the founder of Simplicity in Mind, a leadership and wellbeing coaching practice based in Scotland.
If you're intrigued and would like to learn more you could:
- Subscribe to Dave's newsletter
- Book a quick call with Dave
- Send Dave an email dave@simplicityinmind.co.uk
Thanks for listening.
Take care
Artwork - Neil Silvester silvie2595@icloud.com
Music sample - Nonsense by Oak Studios